As a member of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce Taipei, you get access to our network, our webinars and seminars, as well as discounted access to our networking events, among many more benefits. There are four types of memberships:
A Corporate Membership includes all colleagues within your organization. A corporate member is entitled to one representative who may vote at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce Taipei on behalf of the member organization. You will also get:
Entrance fee for corporate members, one time only:
NT$ 10.000
Annual fee for corporate members:
NT$ 28.000
Individual Membership is for one person only. Individual members may only represent themselves and are entitled to vote at the AGM. You will also get:
Annual fee:
NT$ 10.000
Overseas Support Membership is for organizations registered outside of Taiwan and which do not have a presence in Taiwan. They are entitled to vote at the AGM.
Annual fee:
NT$ 12.000
A Young Professional membership is for individuals under the age of 35 who are studying or at the beginning of their career. As a Young Professional member, you will have the following benefits:
Annual fee:
NT$ 1.000
Individual membership is for one person only. Individual members may only represent themselves and are entitled to vote at the AGM.
Individual Support Membership is for individual support members of SCCT. They are entitled to vote at the AGM.
As a Young Professional member, you will have the following benefits: