Dear Subscriber,
Looking back at my first newsletter as CEO from June 2020 where I wrote "it’s with humbled pride that I write this newsletter during my first day as the CEO", I feel equally humbled and proud, writing my last newsletter to you all, three years later.
During this period, in an environment when most Chambers of Commerce fought to remain relevant, SCCT not only survived but we doubled in size, moving from 18 corporate members to 36.
We delivered some 100 events and activities, engaged with a broader audience inside our member companies, connected 30+ members with potential partners and clients, delivered hundreds of hours of free consultancy services, hosted 500 guests at our PartyHQ, arranged golf coaching and specific company events, not to mention baking thousands of Swedish semla pastries, cinnamon buns, cooking 100kg of crayfish and dressing up in Lucia gowns.
I've had the best job in the world and it's with pride I hand over the reins on July 1st to my successor, Ms. Keli Yen 顏克莉 who presents herself below.
Thank you everyone for being part of our Swedish journey in Taiwan!
All the best // Fred 柏宜德