This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Swedish Chamber of Commerce Taipei events.

Have you always wondered what the operations of a big company like IKEA are like? Or, how IKEA has always shown success in every new country they established themselves? Perhaps, you are even wondering how you can start a career at IKEA?

On March 10th, a Swedish Store Manager will be taking us around IKEA in Hsin Chuang, followed by a presentation and Q&A on IKEA!

This study visit will be an excellent opportunity for you to get a holistic understanding of IKEA, including its establishment in Taiwan, why they decided to establish in Taiwan, and answers to any other questions that you may have!


  1. Private tour around IKEA in Hsin Chuang
  2. Learn about IKEA and its establishment in Taiwan, and answer to any other questions you may have
  3. Q&A
  4. FIKA!


The visit spans between 1 - 3 pm, which will then be followed by Fika.

Three days before the visit, you will be supplied with additional information about how to get there and contact numbers.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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