Event Details
You may already know about the Internet of Things, AR, VR and haptics, but what's next? To shed some light, Michael Björn at Ericsson Consumer & IndustryLab will talk about 10 Hot Consumer Trends worth keeping an eye on – and lending an ear to.
Ericsson Consumer & IndustryLab delivers world-class research and insights for innovation and sustainable business development, exploring the future of connectivity for consumers, industries and sustainable society by using scientific methods to provide unique insights on markets and consumer trends.
The Ericsson 10 Hot Consumer Trends 2030 outlines ten roles that consumers expect connected intelligent machines to take in everyday life during the coming decade. At Ericsson Research, the vision is that advances in AI and cellular communications will enable connected intelligent machines to securely communicate across the networks of tomorrow.
What are the opportunities and challenges going forward? What happens when employees can work remotely using all their senses digitally – vision, sound, touch, taste, smell, and more? What are the implications if and when the full-sense digital enterprise – enabled by 5G and technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) – becomes a reality?